I don't enjoy being sick. I feel like this stupid bug has been with me for about two weeks now and I can't shake it. Hopefully a day at home on the couch like today will help me feel better. Thanks to everyone for the surprise birthday party - a month early. I usually have some kind of idea, but to this I was completely oblivious! You got me. It kind of made me feel awkward being the center of attention. But I had a great time. Now I have to clean up the house and get ready for my parents and sister, Allyson, who are coming for Thanksgiving...YAY! But maybe I'll do all that tomorrow
Who's ready to buy and put up Christmas decorations? I am! I am!
For those of you who haven't seen her yet, here is Elly as a butterfly on her first Halloween
So... I am still trying to figure all this blog stuff out. Bear with me while I try new background colors and stuff.
I think Chick fil a made my stomach upset today. I love that place. However, it wasn't easy to eat on the left side of my mouth where my root canal was done...it hurt. But Elly seemed to like the chicken nuggets and her winter squash. So much so that when she took a bite and then sneezed, she tried to lick the food off the highchair.
This past week we have been around town, trying to buy Christmas presents and making sure Elly has enough warm clothes for those frigid winters we have out here. Scott was very excited to pick out her coat. She didn't really like the fact that we kept taking coats on and off her. She really wanted to keep eating those Sweet Potato flavored star puffs out of her snack bowl. Elly has started using her sign language. Sometimes it's quite humorous to watch her sign "drink" because people around her think she is waving to them. So they wave back and she just stares at them, not sure what to do. She is also cruising around the furniture and loves to walk with help. She gets very excited. She still smiles at everyone and laughs a lot.
Scott is going to talk at church on Sunday. So for those of you who want to hear it, you can long on to our church website (www.secondmi.org) sometime later next week to download the podcast. Work at the writing center keeps him busy these days.
Janice just took on a big project at work that could have her really busy in the spring...she gets to organize competency days. For those of you who want to know, the nurses have to go through a class once a year and make sure they are competent in several areas and Janice and a couple other nurses have decided to be in charge of it. Pray for her :) The house is wonderful...still. It's been so nice to leave the windows open the past week or so. We are finally enjoying some fall weather. Scott and I just reorganized the garage and it looks lovely.
I had a root canal performed on my #14 molar today (I'm proud I remember which tooth it was). It only took the guy 30 minutes to finish. I was impressed. I could not feel the left side of my mouth or nose afterward though - for almost 3 hours. Scott kept poking the side of my face, thinking it was hilarious that I couldn't feel him touching me.
Since we TiVo(ed) our shows tonight it is probably a good time to go and watch them.