First off, I just want to tell everyone how blessed I feel by the overwhelming responses and support we feel from our friends and family while we navigate through stuff going on in our lives right now. It was pretty incredible getting notification after notification and text after text yesterday of so many people putting us in their thoughts and prayers.
Lucy's MRI went well...once the sedation was on board. Her first IV went bad after 30 minutes or so, but no one knew until we were in the MRI scanning room - ready to give her the medicine. So out we went and about 30 minutes later, there was a new IV in place. By this time she was exhausted (she'd been up since 5:30 with no nap or food) so she was definitely ready for some shut eye. The test lasted about 50 minutes and then we promptly left the hospital.
The Dr's office called this morning with the MRI results...kind of. One thing is for sure. The growths are NOT cancer and will NOT turn into cancer. Praise the Lord! However, because the MRI didn't show much that the physicians didn't already know, Lucy is being referred to an Orthopedic pediatric specialist for further evaluation. I still have to call for an appointment but I'm hoping to been seen sometime within the next two weeks.
Never in my life have I had to rely so much on my faith and trust in God to provide the peace to get me through the anxiety I felt. I am so grateful that whatever going on is not more serious. Yes, I'm still concerned, but no longer fearful of the outcome - no matter what is going on. I know that in tough situations I am able to get through because I'm relying on God get me through, not on myself.
Thanks again for thinking of us!