Friday, February 25, 2011

note to self

Note to self:
Taking the girls to Chick-fil-a for lunch and then to play in the play center is NOT the best idea when Tucson and the surrounding school districts are out for Rodeo Break.

Elly also learned today why it's not a good idea to rub her already sore eye (from Lucy poking it earlier in the day) with a hand covered in salt.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

no poop

For several weeks now, Lucy has been telling me when she has pooped. "ipoopd" is kind of what it sounds like. A couple weeks ago I caught her in the act and she actually ended up pooping in the toilet. I did not and have not gotten my hopes up that she will be out of diapers soon. I somewhat think it was a fluke, but hey! we're well on our way!

Last night after dinner she told me twice she had pooped, but her diaper was clean so I asked her if she wanted to go to the potty. "uh huh" was her response. After several minutes of up and down off the potty chair and the toilet with no poop I left her bottomless in the bathroom to finish up the dishes before bath time.

"Everyone up the stairs!" Both girls stopped once we reached the top. Lucy stopped to play with a Barbie car and Elly followed me in the bathroom as I began running the bath water. Lucy followed and Scott came up the stairs and into the bathroom soon after. He quickly pointed out that Lucy had poo on her bum. We cleaned her up and I told Scott I was going to run downstairs and check the bathroom to see if she had pooped down there. I walked out of the bathroom and right at the top of the stairs was a big pile of poop. I do not know how Scott (#1) did not see this pile and (#2) avoided stepping in it! Can you imagine what that would have been like?! Nevermind...yuck!

Monday, February 21, 2011

breakfast snatchers

Most mornings I'm lucky if I can get Elly to finish a bowl of oatmeal at breakfast. Sometime she'll eat a 1/2 a piece of fruit...sometimes.
Lucy on the other hand LOVES food.
She's also starting to feed herself more which is nice
so I can actually eat when they do instead of waiting until they're done.
This morning, however, both girls had oatmeal AND fruit. Both finished ALL of their food and proceeded to ask for bites of MY Raisin Bran! Little breakfast snatchers! What gives?!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Almost since we moved into our current house I've wanted to make a few changes. Not necessarily to the actual house but more to the items in the house. Some stuff just still seemed to have that college or right-after college feel to it. I definitely have learned what it's like to have patience in this area. I'm the kind of person who would like to just go out and get what I wanted and then think about paying later...soooo glad Scott's in my life and his reigns are on the budget.

One specific change I've wanted is to our dining room table. Not that I didn't absolutely LOVE our table, but we've pretty much out grown it. It's hard to have people over when there isn't enough space for everyone. In the last month or so I'd been talking with a friend and she ended up selling me her table because her family is moving. I was and still am excited!

Now if I can just convince Scott to get that new TV :)

Friday, February 18, 2011


it's to that point.
sometimes when my children say my name or ask for something specific they sound exactly like each other...little tricksters.
i've also started getting them confused - calling one of them by the other's name... this is happening a child before it's supposed to!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

valentime's day

I didn't get to celebrate Valentime's Day the day of this year.
I worked and actually didn't even get to see Lucy that day, so we celebrated the two days to follow instead. Mostly because I didn't plan well and waited until the last minute to buy anyone's present. In fact, I didn't even get Scott a present...I'm glad he's not the type to expect anything! However, I think the rest of us made out fairly well:

I came home from work Sunday night to a beautiful boquet!

Lucy absolutely ADORES her Strawberry Shortcake and Raspberry Torte Dolls.

Elly added Plum Pudding to her collection of Strawberry's Bitty Friends Collection.

And because our old one decided to break a few days before:

Without a doubt our most expensive Valentine's Day EVER!

Monday, February 14, 2011

teeny tiny

I've been at work the last two days. 12 hour shifts. I've hardly seen my family.
I walk through the door and Elly promptly announces she has to potty and needs help.
I follow her into the bathroom and after helping her on the toilet, our conversation goes like this:
Elly: Mom, did you know i have a teeny tiny bum?
Me: You do have a small bum.
Elly: Mom, do you have a BIG, BIG bum?
Me: Well, I think I have a normal sized bum
Elly: I think you have a BIG bum, mom.
Me: Thanks Elly.
After being exhausted from working, I had a good laugh.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Most mornings I'll bring the girls downstairs and just sit..I just can't get going.
Maybe I should go to bed earlier, but it's hard to wind down sometimes.
If it's before 6:30 (which it usually is) I feel like a complete zombie.
I know it's not the best thing, but especially during the winter I snuggle
on the couch with a blanket while I let them watch cartoons, just until I wake up a little.
If I haven't dozed off, I'm usually awake in about 45 minutes or so, but man oh man!
Those first few minutes up I could really use a jumpstart!

ps Lucy just informed me she pooped. guess that will wake me up!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I've been reminded a couple times today how much fun I can have as a mom and that when I have fun my girls do too.
I was on my way to Costco this morning for a few things when I turned the radio on in the car. One of the girls' Disney CDs was in the player and immediately "I Wanna Be Like You" from The Jungle Book started to blare through the speakers.
The girls begin to groove a little in their car seats. I was at a stop light and turned around and said, "come on girls, show me some more moves!"
Then I started bouncing/dancing around in my seat (only to look over at people in the car next to mine and discover they are staring wide-eyed at me!) Ok so we have tinted windows and no one could see the children, however the girls were laughing and still dancing so we didn't stop and I drove on!
On our way out of the store, I started running to the car while holding onto the cart and then jumped on it and rode a little ways with Lucy and Elly. They were laughing, and pumping their arms up and down shouting "wee! again!"

Monday, February 7, 2011


Looking back at the past couple weeks, I'm almost shocked at how much Lucy has started to say.
I think there are new words everyday.
I used to be able to keep up with all of them, but now when someone asks what words she says I'll start with my list and then realize I've left several words out after the conversation is well over.
She might give Elly a run for her money in the vocab department!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ballet Elly

One thing I didn't anticipate as a mom is how much fun it is to watch your daughter at ballet class. I'm grateful that my job allows me to be so flexible with my schedule that there can be some consistency for a class. It really is weird how time seems to speed up when children enter the picture. I often wonder what my kids' interests will be. I think about them being sporty and feminine at the same time. I guess only time will tell for sure. Hope you enjoy these Ballet Elly Pics as much as I do.

Has to be at least ONE silly face

Thursday, February 3, 2011

CRAZY to think I've let an entire year go by with out writing on this thing!
Where are my priorities?!
Today Elly, Lucy and I made cupcakes for a friend's birthday.
Which I think is a nice change from them playing the Cupcake app on the iPad.

Elly told me she wanted to be my best friend everyday.
Love these girls!