Saturday, February 19, 2011


Almost since we moved into our current house I've wanted to make a few changes. Not necessarily to the actual house but more to the items in the house. Some stuff just still seemed to have that college or right-after college feel to it. I definitely have learned what it's like to have patience in this area. I'm the kind of person who would like to just go out and get what I wanted and then think about paying later...soooo glad Scott's in my life and his reigns are on the budget.

One specific change I've wanted is to our dining room table. Not that I didn't absolutely LOVE our table, but we've pretty much out grown it. It's hard to have people over when there isn't enough space for everyone. In the last month or so I'd been talking with a friend and she ended up selling me her table because her family is moving. I was and still am excited!

Now if I can just convince Scott to get that new TV :)

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