Today was THE DAY. Today was brace day. Today we picked up Lu's brace. Not gonna lie. It's a little more intimidating that what I had pictured in my head. It's a total leg brace from the knee down.
And no real surprise here, but she does not particularly like to wear it.
She finally did warm up to it and quit complaining about it once we got to Starbucks and bought her a blended chocolate milk (which she did not drink) and an apple juice (which we kind of had to buy because she practically opened it before we knew it).
She is kind of shy about having it on. We saw the Haynes family this afternoon while she was wearing it and she kept her face in my shoulder and would hardly walk in it, but this afternoon she's sllloooowwwllyy warming up to it.
She kept it on for a straight hour.
PS - She isn't supposed to wear any kind of sandals with it, but flip-flops is all we had with us, but I think she looks darn cute!
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