Thursday, August 20, 2009

the light switch by the door

It's official! After living in our house for just over a year and a half, I figured out what the light switch by the door does. It operates an outlet across the house in the living room. Who knew?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

newbiggirl bed

Elly is now in her "newbiggirl bed" as she calls it. It was delivered yesterday. I have to say that I wasn't too sure about it...nap time yesterday afternoon did not go well. It consisted of quite a bit of crying, followed by, "mommy? mommy? mommy?" for a while, and then a door opened. She wouldn't lay back down after that.

Bed time however, a different story. She laid right down and went right to sleep. Sure she woke up twice during the night, but overall...not bad. I decided when she woke up at 5 am that I was not ready to get up yet, so I laid down with her in that new bed and we both fell back asleep. One thing is for sure...her bed is more comfortable than mine.

So far today...she laid right down and went down for her nap this morning...yay.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

splash park

Well...Lucy's room is now almost done. Scott worked long and hard yesterday to get the strawberry ice cream looking paint on the walls. It's very pink in there, but I like it :)

As it always seems to, life is still going by at an incredibly fast pace. The summer is almost over and it feels as if there is still so much to do before Lucy's arrival in October. However, this week has not gone by without it's share of good times. We've been swimming a lot lately it feels like, which is fine with me. Elly has really taken a liking to the splash park. She actually tries to push me away the whole time we're in the pool and attempts to climb out of the toddler inner tube we have for her.

We have also been able to frequent the splash park. Scott was able to go with us for the first time a couple weeks ago. Here are a couple moments we captured while playing...