Wednesday, March 30, 2011

unplanned day off

Today I have an unplanned day off. My friend Angela, who watches the girls a lot for me, called in (in a sense), so I called in as well. I'm pretty excited about this, only because I am behind on a lot around the house and I'm not feeling great either.

Yesterday the girls and I planted flowers, played outside, gave the dog a bath, went to Sunflower Market, and had an all around relaxing day. Today I think we'll make some brownies, fold the laundry together and maybe watch a movie. We'll see how the day goes...Lucy hasn't been taking morning naps so that could change the whole day.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

puke bucket

I was so thankful to get a small break last night from mom stuff and attend a Moxie get together. I was able to think through some good, tough questions and have great conversations with women from church. Even more exciting that when I arrived home to see both girls were in bed. I had some time to hang out and by the time I got there, I was soooo ready for bed.

So imagine my surprise to wake up around 1:30 am to my foot in something wet. My other foot feels a small person. I turned on the lamp and Elly was pretty much sleeping in puke at the foot of my bed. great. As I get up to clean everything up, she starts throwing up again. I'm rushing her to the bathroom, but we are not making good time and could have easily found our way back to the bed with our "bread crumb" trail if we had needed to.

At this point, Scott (who had fallen asleep downstairs) is making his way up to our room. We change her clothes, braid her hair, get her a make shift bed set up on the couch in our room, and change the sheets on our bed. All the while she's talking, and smiling asking questions about why I picked the blanket I picked? what is throw up? why do people throw up? etc... Before we get her tucked in again however, we have to rush once again (unsuccessfully) to the toilet. Then another pj change. We FINALLY get her in bed and for the next 4 hours or so, every 30 minutes, Elly is awake and trying to throw up in her puke bucket. Lovely.

Friday, March 18, 2011

people pleaser

I've been a people pleaser my whole life.
I like harmony and I'm not at ease with the thought of someone being upset at me.
I'm currently learning about what it means to be bold,
but doing so with respect and gentleness and out of love.
Learning that it's okay not to please everyone.
That will only lead to distress in my own life.
Which I kind of already have because I worry about pleasing others.
It doesn't have to be about me not meeting the expectations that others have for me
(or the imaginary ones they don't have for me).
It's about loving people and being honest and real.
Then maybe others will learn, too.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

extra sugar

I consider it a small victory when my girls (mostly Elly) will eat more than a couple bites at a meal.
I'm sure most of you have heard me say this before, but they can be pretty picky.
So consider my surprise that Elly has had 3 great meals in a row!
I'm not sure what to do about this.
Actually though, I think I know what's been helping...
I've kept her from ingesting extra sugar this week.
She normally doesn't eat THAT much extra, but something appears to have worked.
I thought it might help her attitude towards me and it's also helping her eating.
I'm definitely looking to stay on this path.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

back in the saddle

I 've been working every other day since last Thursday.
I know that doesn't seem like a big deal, but it starts to wear on me.
After working a 12 hr shift, I don't feel like I can get much done on my day off, because I want to rest to go back to work. Plus these last few days at work have not been a walk in the park.
Also because I want to play with Elly and Lucy.
But I don't want to be a bum either. I am currently on day one of a 4 day stretch off work and folks,
I'm back in the saddle again!

The house work has started, schedules in place once again, house training the puppy some more (although this has not been put on hold even when I'm not home), meeting with friends, running, exercising... aaaahhhh. Feels good.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It would seem I'm embarking on several new challenges/adventures that take up a majority of my time while I'm at home.

Because I'm the adult home most of the time I'm the lucky one to house train the puppy. This ain't easy folks! There is a ton of information out there! Each time I think maybe we have it down (after just two days - I know, I know not realistic at all)....pee/poop on the floor. Today has been better. I consulted with a couple friends last night (thank you Chad & Angel) and am working with a new technique. It's almost a combination of several things I've read all together. Whatever technique I use, however, I'm spending A LOT of time outside.

For awhile now, Elly has been able to recognize most of the letters of the alphabet. Most recently she is able to write her name and it's pretty easy to see what it's supposed to say. Maybe I just think that, though, because I know what she's trying to write. This morning I bought a book on writing all the letters - a preschool book. She is sooooo excited to start writing.

I'm not looking to teach or start much with Lucy now (besides the usual ABC's song) but every time she hears the word "potty" she runs into the bathroom to sit on the potty chair...fully dressed mind you. Looks like we might be making progress with her in that area without much effort. If she could just potty train herself, that would be lovely.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


It has come to my attention that some have not heard about our new puppy.
Last week as a friend walked in the front door to eat dinner with us a little dog ran through our front door with her.

After some extensive research and investigation on Scott's and my part (looking on Craig's List for lost dog ads, checking for microchips, taking him to the vet for worms, talking to friends, etc.) we have come to the conclusion that he is probably an abandoned puppy. He was very skinny and filthy when he came through our door with fur that kind of looked like "dreads" to quote Scott.

We gave him a bath, fed him, dewormed him, vaccinated him and are now enjoying loving on him. He gets along with the girls great and we have never seen a little kiddo take to and love a dog the way Lucy interacts with him.


So, kind of, in a sense, Roscoe picked us :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

No problem

I've had a rough couple days...I'm not gonna lie. I feel overwhelmed by fighting children, who don't listen and who won't let go of my legs. Who start screaming and crying if I walk out of a room without them. Who follow me in the bathroom so I can't even do that by myself. It doesn't help that I'm sleep deprived and have a full schedule and a sick husband and I'm cleaning up after a dog who relieves himself on my carpet.

BUT I realized this afternoon how much fun we can have wrestling and singing together. How much fun it is to play with the new dog and watch Strawberry Shortcake or build towers together. What an adventure it is buying friends birthday presents. How much we love having people in our home (like tonight for dinner). I've thought a lot about how blessed we are and how even though some times are overwhelming, I'm growing as a person - spiritually, emotionally, whatever.

No problem. I can handle a couple rough days.

Today is a good day.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

full heart

Yesterday I took the girls to the mall to get Roscoe a leash. (I'm hoping that maybe we can take him for a walk at the park soon.) But Lu might have to get over this snotty nose first. I'm am tired of snot! We also went shopping at Old Navy to start our spring/summer wardrobe. I feel like I have to get a bunch of stuff because they keep growing! During the shopping trip I found Easter dresses and Elly wore hers all afternoon and "danced" in it. Love it!

I also was able to go to Phoenix last night with some friends to see Hillsong United. Although I haven't been up that late in a really long time, I am sooo glad I went. I'm not sure how to describe how I feel after experiencing worship like that, but all I can say is my heart is so full. Needless to say I bought some new music off iTunes this morning.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


In a weird way I think I was more prepared to have a baby than to have a dog. Maybe from experience with youngsters or my job or something, but I felt I knew the items that were important to buy to ensure I could take care of a baby and child. But dog stuff....whoa! I have never seen as many different kinds of treats and leashes and poo bags and everything...ahhhh! I guess I need to do a little research.

On a high note however, Roscoe (I'm spelling the name this way for Scott...he was adamant about the "e" on the end, I however didn't think it was necessary) peed in the backyard for the first time when we got home from running errands today. Yay to house training a dog.

And the girls actually like the dog...I'm relieved.
I think sometimes they're a little too high energy for him!