Tuesday, June 28, 2011

summer colds

This last week has definitely been rough.

Last Monday Elly got a runny nose.
Last Tuesday Scott woke up with a scratchy throat and Lucy's nose started snotting quite a bit.
Wednesday: most of the same continued.
Thursday: Scott started running a fever while I was at work and while there I started feeling all achy.
Friday: I spent the day on the couch. Trapped because every time I tried to get up, a rush of dizziness hit me.
Saturday: I spent the day on the couch feeling better, but tired.
Sunday: once again, the couch was my friend.

Summer colds are no fun! Well colds in general aren't fun I guess. Just worse in the summer maybe. I'm a little surprised we were all hit with it so quickly.
I'm tired of feeling achy and tired. I don't really want my throat to feel as if it's on fire anymore when I swallow. yes. that would be nice.

tomorrow is going to be a better day.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

jumping on the couch

Me: Girls! I think it would be a good idea to stop jumping on the couch.

giggling, screaming and jumping continues - 10 seconds time elapses

Me: Girls! Didn't you hear me?! I said I think you need to stop jumping on the couch.

jumping, laughing still continues - 10 more seconds go by

Me: Elly and Lucy! I've been nice about this, but you need to stop jumping on the couch. One or both of you is going to get hurt. Please stop!

Elly: But mom! We're playing "so you think you can jump higher than them all!"

Friday, June 10, 2011


Life has been crazy.
A whirlwind.
It's been fun...but exhausting!

After a busy year, and adjusting to Scott's new job, we were excited for summer to arrive.
It was promptly started by visits by both of our families. My parents came out over Memorial Day weekend (which I previously blogged about) and Scott's three days later for a week. We kept them busy. We had a lot of repeat activities with the Appleman's, as we had already done them with my fam, but entertaining non the less.

I decided since family visits were over, just as summer was pretty much starting, Scott and I needed to plan something - go somewhere, have a staycation. I surprised him by taking him overnight to Westward Look Resort here in Tucson for his birthday last night (I got a great summer deal!). I think we were asleep by 10:00, but we enjoyed the pool twice, the hot tub before dinner and a night knowing we weren't going to be woken up by two small people coming into our room while we were asleep or at 5:30 am.

We didn't have much conversation...the quiet was nice.

These are a few of my favorite picks of our staycation.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I've definitely had an interesting week. As some people out there already know, I've been without a phone for almost a week. And let me tell you...I feel like I've been living in the dark ages. SERIOUSLY! I'm know I'm over reacting, but still.

Last Friday, as we were leaving to go get Lucy's brace, my mind was in a million different places. I realized as we were walking out the door, that I had left my phone on our "mini-bar." I reached over the sink to get it and proceeded to drop it in a pan that was soaking in nice hot water. I immediately took it out of the water (with cat like reflexes I might add), took it apart, and threw it into a bag of rice. It didn't help. My phone was a dead. No longer my life line. What was I going to do? We couldn't afford a new one. I felt like a doofus.

A friend came through in my time of need and offered me his for as long as I needed it. Turns out, it wasn't going to be as easy to activate as we had thought, so I bought a refurbished one offline and it came today! Now I just have to work on getting all my contact numbers in. Yikes! Big job!

I did think about a lot over the last week about time spent with my phone and a few things I'm taking away from this experience are:

1. Don't drop your phone in water, or leave it in a place close to water
2. I rely waayy too much on my phone.
3. I check facebook way too often with my phone
4. I need to be ok with not having a phone from time to time.

I waste too much time just fiddling with my phone, folks and I'm going to try and be better about that.

Friday, June 3, 2011

brace day

Today was THE DAY. Today was brace day. Today we picked up Lu's brace. Not gonna lie. It's a little more intimidating that what I had pictured in my head. It's a total leg brace from the knee down.

And no real surprise here, but she does not particularly like to wear it.

We got a quick lesson in properly putting it on, cleaning it and kinds of shoes she is supposed to be wearing with it. We're going to have to invest in some new shoes, but trust me - she'll still be stylish! It's not too complicated, but it's definitely going to be a chore building up to having her keep it on all day.

She finally did warm up to it and quit complaining about it once we got to Starbucks and bought her a blended chocolate milk (which she did not drink) and an apple juice (which we kind of had to buy because she practically opened it before we knew it)

She is kind of shy about having it on. We saw the Haynes family this afternoon while she was wearing it and she kept her face in my shoulder and would hardly walk in it, but this afternoon she's sllloooowwwllyy warming up to it.

She kept it on for a straight hour.

PS - She isn't supposed to wear any kind of sandals with it, but flip-flops is all we had with us, but I think she looks darn cute!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

camera ready

Yesterday, Scott and I actually saw Lucy and Elly cat fighting. One of those where the arms are swinging and smacking each other! And they were yelling, too. It was crazy. I've never actually seen someone do that in real life. I still don't know what they were fighting over. I kind of wish I had it on a video.

On a lighter note...we bought the girls a small pool for the backyard. This morning, Elly decided to streak outside and jump in. It's going to be a great summer!

Once again, I really should have my camera ready.